Our aim in working in this area is to increase the provision of high quality social activities for young people and to influence their understanding and awareness of the value of the language.
- Anglesey Youth Theatre – Weekly workshops led by professional drama tutors. Small TIM is for 7-11 year olds and Big TIM for 11-18yrs.
- Bocsŵn Young Performers Network – A music making project under the guidance of professional tutors. An opportunity for children and young people to play instruments and use iMAC machines to compose and create their own music. The Network gives young people the opportunity to organise and host their own gigs locally and perform at various festivals. This is a project that promotes new Welsh music locally providing the young people with specialist organising experiences.
- Language Awareness – Lively and expressive presentations where young people led by the initiative’s staff are encouraged to express their views on the Welsh language as well as learn about the benefits of Welsh in the world of work and socially.
- WiciMôn – A project that enriches and popularises the Welsh version of Wikipedia.